Tuesday, April 6, 2010

5 Secret Vibes to Losing Weight & Sustaining Health

5 Secret Vibes to Losing Weight and Sustaining Health

Everything is energy – everything vibrates. When you want to reach your ideal weight, you need to remember this fact. I have found five secret vibrations to work with in loosing weight and sustaining my ideal weight and I’d like to share them with you:

1. Thought Vibes: The vibrations of your thoughts play a big part in your ability to lose weight and sustain your ideal weight. To get your thought vibrations working for you in your weight goals, focus your thoughts on BEING your perfect weight.

Don’t focus on how much weight you need to lose or how much you are over-weight; focus on BEING your perfect weight. What you focus your thought on is what will increase, so thoughts of “I’m fat, I need to lose weight will bring you more of being fat and needing to lose weight! Instead, focus your thoughts on being your ideal weight so you will get more of being your ideal weight.

2. Feeling Vibes: Your feelings have vibrational levels. Happy and confident feelings have high vibrations while feelings of shame and worry are very low vibrationally.

Focus on FEELING happy and confident because you are your ideal weight. Feel how it feels to run, wear your clothes or walk into a room at your ideal weight.

Feelings are very important because they are our emotions, and EMOTION TRUMPS EVERYTHING! If you are trying to think your perfect weight but look
in the mirror and feel fat, then you will stay fat because EMOTION TRUMPS EVERYTHING!

3. Word Vibes: Your words create your reality. Watch your I Am statements. If you
go around saying “I am too fat,” or “I hate how I look in these pants,” then you are literally creating more of “I am too fat” and hating how you look in those pants.

Speak as if you were your ideal weight. How would you speak of yourself? How would you speak of others? Try “I am so grateful and happy to look so fantastic!” See how that feels?

Also, speaking kindly of others lifts your vibration and creates health. Speaking
loving and kind thoughts creates health and well-being in spirit and body.

4. Action Vibes: How do you act when you are your ideal weight? How do you move
your body – how do you exercise? What activities do you engage in at your ideal weight that you wouldn’t do right now?

Some wonderful, high vibrations actions you can engage in to support your body are
Qigong, Tai Chi and Yoga.

You can think about being your ideal weight and feel it, but without taking action, things will not progress. This concept was left out of the movie, The Secret. The Law
of Attraction works on thought, word and ACTION, so don’t leave this important part of the equation out.

Act as if you are your ideal weight. Think as if you are your ideal weight. Feel as if you are your ideal weight. In fact – You are your ideal weight – you just need to let all the excess fall away so that the REAL YOU can stand in its truth again.

5. Food Vibes: Everything vibrates, including food. To sustain your ideal weight you need to sustain its high vibration. That means nourishing your body with high vibrating foods which include fresh organic (if possible) vegetables, fruits, grains, meats (if you eat it), nuts and legumes. You also need to drink plenty of pure water.

We live in a vibrational world, so to THRIVE you need to sustain your weight and energy on a Thriving Vibrational Level – which is high. Support yourself with high vibrational thoughts, words, feelings actions and foods and you will be amazed at how fabulous each day unfolds for you.


Children's Affirmations on Blogtalk Radio Show

Listen to my interview with Margaret Saunders in Australia on her blogtalk radio show, "Children Are Everything". We discussed children's affirmations and our book, I Am So I Can.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 Steps to Help Children Build Self-Esteem

Children typically view life as “the glass is half full”. When we grow older and become teenagers, adults, and parents it’s easy to get beaten down by life. Life can come at you quickly. But children don’t always see it that way. They see life a full and meaningful. The question we have to ask ourselves is how can we raise our children in a way to always be thinking in a positive way, and giving them a positive outlook on life and positive self-esteem?

5 Steps to help children build positive self-esteem:

1) Positive Parents:

A child’s parents must have and exhibit positive self-esteem. Children are just subconscious minds running around until the age of around 7 years of age. They are like little sponges, soaking in everything they see, hear taste and smell as the truth, as their reality. How parents create and account for their results and reality is what the children will do.

2) Positive Environment:

If the language in the home is positive, that is what the children will grow up expressing. If there is positive music, books, pictures, movies, television, discussions, atmosphere, etc. then the child is much more likely to reflect that in his environment at school and other places away from home.

3) Positive Self Talk:

“I Am” statements create our reality. Thoughts and words are creative energy and will not only reflect what we think about ourselves, but will set in motion the creation of what we speak.

“I Am So I Can” statements are positive ways of thinking and believing in yourself. The benefit of teaching this to children when they are younger is that it conditions them to continue it as they grow older. “I Am Truth So I Can have integrity throughout my life, and to instill it my family and children”. “I Am Smart So I Can get into any college I want to”.

4) Positive Activities:

Being given and held accountable for chores and schoolwork are great ways to set up opportunities for children to achieve success and feel good about their selves. If chores are assigned on a regular basis, with help on how to achieve the desired results and expectations set for measurement of achieving success in those chores, then a child begins to understand cause and effect and they learn they are the creator of their results. This applies to schoolwork as well. If parents are engaged and enthusiastic about learning, then their children will follow that example.

Extra-curricular activities are important as well as chores. Be open and supportive to whatever your child is interested in. If they don’t know, then help them discover their passions. Enroll them into these activities whether it is sports, dance, art class, or boy/girl scouts. This will help them develop their talents, which inevitably develops their self-esteem. And don’t be so quick to let them quit. Find out the underlying reason. Are they truly not interested, or do they feel like they aren’t good enough so they should just quit? Encourage them to develop their talents and skills, and get excited with them. Help them understand what opportunities it could lead them to in their future.

5) Positive Service: When children are given opportunities to serve others and are taught from an early age to be observant of others and where there may be opportunities to help, then they will naturally feel good about themselves as they move into action learning selfless thought and behavior.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Part 4 of 5 on Self-Sabotage - Energy Tools

4. Use Energy Tools. OK, we have become aware of our self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors, we have ceased to resist or judge them when we observe them and we have started journaling the patterns we see happening. The next step is to search out energy tools that will help us to clear those patterns and be able to change our thoughts and beliefs to be conscious and constructive – creating what we really desire in our lives.

You can find energy tools by researching them online, by reading books on the subject or by hiring a coach that uses energy tools with their clients (something I do and have great success with). Do your research and find tools that have been proven effective in the lives of people you know.

Energy tools usually include a combination of meditations, visualization and affirmations which have been designed to by-pass the conscious mind and reach the sub-conscious mind. This is very important because most of the sabotage we engage in is done unconsciously due to emotions and vibrations that reside in the sub-conscious mind. This has been scientifically proven and much research has been done on this truth, especially in the fields of sports, wealth creation, health, happiness and peace. Finding these tools and using them consistently can and will result in your ability to change undesired behavior and self-sabotage so that you can create and keep the health, wealth, happiness, relationships and peace that you desire.

To be Continued…

Monday, November 16, 2009

Part 3 of 5 on Self-Sabotage - Journaling Your Behavior

3. Journaling. Once we become aware and watch our negative thoughts and behaviors, the next step is to journal the patterns of self-sabotage that we see going on in our lives. Sit down in a quiet place with some “alone time” and a journal and pen. Contemplate the thoughts and behaviors you have become aware are self-sabotaging and that you have begun to watch. Make a list of the thoughts or behaviors that you want to change so that you can move forward into action and make the changes you desire in your life. Give each thought or behavior a degree of intensity from 1 – 10, 10 being the strongest. Pick the thought or behavior that bothers you the most. Go to the first recollections you have of being alive and come forward, writing down every memory you have of experiencing that thought or behavior. Come forward to the present time. Now go back and observe all that you have recorded and observe any patterns that appear. This can be very enlightening and may shed some insight into what triggers your sabotaging thought or behavior.
To be Continued…

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Know What To Do - So Why Don't I Do It?

I Know What To Do – So Why Don’t I Do It?

It is a familiar place – that place of knowing what to do, but not doing it. If we were all living consciously we would all know what to do, how to do it and why we were doing it, and we would do it all with peace and happiness. But it takes awareness and practice to learn to live consciously most of the time. So until then, let’s continue understanding self-sabotage and learning how to keep it to a minimum or eliminate it from our lives.

The next principle to learn after we become aware that we are self-sabotaging is:

(2) Letting go of resistance. Whatever we resist persists. So what do I mean by resistance? When we become aware of an area in our lives that we are self-sabotaging, we need to just bring our awareness to it and resist the urge to judge it and ourselves. When we beat ourselves up and criticize ourselves for doing it - that is resistance. When we constantly tell ourselves “I shouldn’t be doing this,” or “I am so stupid to keep doing this,” that is resistance. Instead, we just need to bring our attention to it, be curious about it and embrace it as a part of ourselves. We can take a look at it and say, “Hmmm, that’s interesting,.” or “There I go, eating sugar again when I know it isn’t good for me.” The more we just graciously bring our attention to it without judgment or criticism, the sooner it will just fall away. Seriously, it’s that easy. Give it a try! Just pick something that you have been trying to change for a long time and instead of getting upset when you do it (or don’t do it…whatever IT is) just say “Hmmmmm, there I am doing (or not doing) this again. Isn’t that interesting?” And then see what happens. Each time it comes up just observe it without judgment and then let it just BE. You will find that it loses it’s hold on you.

To be continued…

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Identifying and Overcoming Self-Sabotage - Part 1 of 5

Self-Sabotage – we all do it to some degree, some more than others, but we all do it. But why? None of us starts out the day, or the month or year…or our lives saying,” I am going to sabotage things that I really want to be, do or have in life.” So how does it start? Why do we do it?

The answer to this question lies in our subconscious mind. Until the age of around 7, we are all just subconscious minds running around. The conscious mind has not formed yet, so we are open and susceptible to all images, words and emotions that we are exposed to and interact with during that period of our lives. After that, our conscious minds come into play and we go about thinking, reasoning and living life. Also, what we habitually think about with our conscious mind even as we grow older eventually sinks down into the subconscious mind. What we don’t realize is that we are really being controlled by those emotions (energetic vibrations) that still reside in our subconscious minds. And here is where our fears lie…quietly and unconsciously driving our thoughts and actions. Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it goes to work to begin to execute it. It works for the bad idea as well as it does for the good idea. Thus, we can think we want one thing, but if the subconscious believe differently, it will create the opposite and we will self-sabotage.

So, how are we able to discover our self-sabotage and change it so that we can create the health, wealth and happiness that we really want in life? Below is the first step in a 5 part series on changing self-sabotage so that we can move ahead into creating our desired results:

1) Awareness. We must first be still and become aware of where we self-sabotage. Sitting down and journaling where we observe ourselves sabotaging what we really want in life can give us a map to follow. Start out by listing what your goals and dreams are in life – you don’t need to get detailed at this point, just allow yourself to write down what you would love to be, do or have in your life if you had a magic wand and could just make it happen with a wave of that wand. Then start to think about why you don’t have them and any instances you can consciously think of where you were headed in the direction of achieving your goal or dream and something happened to stop it. Write it down and don’t judge it as good or bad. Just become aware. This is the first important step.